Monday, April 18, 2011

Do Unto Others As You Would Do Unto Yourselves

A great quote for anytime or period.

You do NOT have to be a christian to use this and it seems MANY christians don't! We have neighbors and they are ALL Americans and thereby we feel we deserve to be Americans. To eat where we like and travel where we like. To worship where and when we like. In essence, to be free is VERY AMERICAN.

The 60's revolution was all about this. We AMERICANS were protesting that ALL AMERICANS deserve to be AMERICANS. We were discovering that some people were "cross-eyed" not because they were making fun of you and me but because that was the way they were born.

When times get BAD and SCARY, we should ban TOGETHER. If we do, we will not scare each other --which divides us, stand together we make our AMERICAN BOND STRONGER.

Contextual Links

My Dog BRUIN's Website - "Man's Best Friend Helps MAN!!"